Indian River Profile

Indian River County Profile

County Seat: Vero Beach
Nearest MSA: Vero Beach-Indian River C
Largest Cities: 1 Sebastian
2 Vero Beach
3 Fellsmere
Miles* To:
Tallahassee - 305
Orlando - 86
Tampa - 133
Jacksonville - 202
Miami - 126
Atlanta - 487
Chicago - 1063
Dallas - 1040
New York - 973
*Miles are calculated from county seat.
Click here to learn about this county.
Time Zone: Eastern
Local Area Code(s): 772
Indian River
1980: 59,896
1990: 90,208
2010: 132,315
2020(p): 162,000
2040(p): 205,200
(p) Denotes Projected Population
Average Temperature High Low
January: 72 49
July: 90 72
Florida Mean Annual Precipitation 53
Average Annual Rain Days 127
In-Migration 6,564
Out-Migration 5,518
Net-Migration 1,046
*Estimates based on IRS Statistics of Income data
Labor Force 62,464
Labor Force % of County Population 45.3
Number in County Unemployed 8,743
Unemployment Rate 14.0%

Monthly labor force data are available from the Florida Agency
for Workforce Innovation.
N/D = No Data Indian River Florida
Average Annual Employment 45,155 7,109,630
Natural Resources & Mining N/D
Construction 5.8% 5.0%
Manufacturing 3.9% 4.3%
Trade, Transportation and Utilities 20.2% 21.2%
Information 1.4% 1.9%
Financial Activities 4.9% 6.6%
Professional & Business Services 9.6% 14.8%
Education & Health Services 18.7% 22.0%
Leisure & Hospitality 14.2% 13.2%
Other Services 3.9% 3.3%
Public administration 6.7% 6.6%
Unclassified 0.0% 0.0%

Average Annual Wage
All Industries $35,191
Construction $34,885
Education & Health Services $40,200
Financial Activities $47,883
Information $59,418
Leisure & Hospitality $20,135
Manufacturing $45,512
Natural Resources & Mining N/D
Other Services $25,311
Professional & Business Services $39,694
Public administration $45,005
Trade, Transportation and Utilities $32,599
Unclassified N/D
Indian River Florida
2007 $56,852 $39,449
2008 $59,631 $40,133
2009 $56,303 $38,965
Major Private Sector Employers

Indian River Medical Center
Business Line: Healthcare
Number of Employees - 1,334

Publix Supermarkets
Business Line: Food/Beverage
Number of Employees - 960
Piper Aircraft, Inc.
Business Line: Aircraft Manufacturing
Number of Employees - 850

John's Island
Business Line: Resort/Residential
Number of Employees - 600

Sebastian River Medical Center
Business Line: Healthcare
Number of Employees - 380

Visiting Nurse Association
Business Line: Healthcare
Number of Employees - 475

CVS Pharmacy Warehouse/Distribution
Business Line: Distribution Center
Number of Employees - 298

Grand Harbor Management
Business Line: Residential
Number of Employees - 295
Federal Interstates I-95
Federal Highways US-1
State Highways SR-60
Railroads Florida East Coast
Nearest Airport with Scheduled Commerical Airline Service: Melbourne International Airport
# Runways 3
Longest Paved Runway(ft.) 9483
General Aviation Airports Vero Beach Municipal Airport; Sebastian Municipal Airport

Local Deep Water Port Port of Ft. Pierce
Miles to Closest Port 13
Countywide Ad Valorem Millage Rates:
Government 3.5256
Schools 8.2440
Special 0.0000
Total 11.7696
Ad Valorem Tax Exemption: Yes
Retail Sales Tax (Local Option) 1.00
Federal Enterprise Zone No
State Enterprise Zone Yes
Corporate Income Tax 5.5%
Personal Income Tax 0.0%
Retail Sales Tax 6.0%
Electric Companies:
  • Vero Beach Electric
  • Florida Power & Light

Natural Gas Companies:
  • NVL-City Gas

Telephone Companies:
  • BellSouth
  • AT&T
  • Sprint
  • MCI

Water & Sewer Companies:
  • Vero Beach
  • Sebastian
  • Indian River County

Existing Industrial Zoned Land Yes
Number of Acres 1,100
Largest Available Contiguous Parcel 150

Industrial Parks Yes
Number of Acres 150
Largest Available Contiguous Parcel 100

Foreign Trade Zones No
Zone Number(s)
Teachers Enrollments
Totals: 29 1,218 17,740

Private Schools Available: Yes

  • Florida Atlantic University
  • University of Florida
  • Florida Institute of Technology
  • Keiser College
  • Nova University

Junior/Community Colleges:
  • Indian River State College

Vocational/Technical Schools:
  • none

Other Schools:
  • none

Cost of Living
Price Level Index, (2010)
Florida State Average = 100
2008 99.44
2009 100.45
2010 98.98
Medical Services:
  • Indian River Medical Center
  • Sebastian River Medical Center

Recreational Opportunities:
  • Deep Sea, Fresh Water Fishing & Boating
  • Diving, Surfing
  • Golf, Tennis
  • State, County, & City Parks
  • Theatre, Museums

Historical Points Of Interest:
  • Downtown Vero Beach
  • Indian River Citrus Museum
  • McKee Botanical Gardens
  • Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
  • Sebastian River Front

Cultural Events/Festivals:
  • Center for the Arts
  • Frog Leg Festival
  • Riverside Theatre
  • Under the Oaks Arts Show