Indian River County Profile
County Seat: | Vero Beach | Nearest MSA: | Vero Beach-Indian River C | Largest Cities: | 1 Sebastian 2 Vero Beach 3 Fellsmere
| Miles* To: | Tallahassee | - | 305 | Orlando | - | 86 | Tampa | - | 133 | Jacksonville | - | 202 | Miami | - | 126 | Atlanta | - | 487 | Chicago | - | 1063 | Dallas | - | 1040 | New York | - | 973 | *Miles are calculated from county seat. | |  | Time Zone: | Eastern | Local Area Code(s): | 772 | | | |
| Indian River | 1980: | 59,896 | 1990: | 90,208 | 2010: | 132,315 | 2020(p): | 162,000 | 2040(p): | 205,200 | (p) Denotes Projected Population | | Florida | 9,746,961 | 12,938,071 | 18,810,310 | 21,326,800 | 26,018,800 | | | | | Average Temperature | High | Low |  | January: | 72 | 49 | July: | 90 | 72 |  | Florida Mean Annual Precipitation | 53 | Average Annual Rain Days | 127 | | (2010) | In-Migration | 6,564 | Out-Migration | 5,518 | Net-Migration | 1,046 | *Estimates based on IRS Statistics of Income data | | | |
(2010) | Labor Force | 62,464 | Labor Force % of County Population | 45.3 | Number in County Unemployed | 8,743 | Unemployment Rate | 14.0% | | Monthly labor force data are available from the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation. | N/D = No Data | Indian River | Florida | (2010) | Average Annual Employment | 45,155 | 7,109,630 |  | Natural Resources & Mining | N/D | Construction | 5.8% | 5.0% | Manufacturing | 3.9% | 4.3% | Trade, Transportation and Utilities | 20.2% | 21.2% | Information | 1.4% | 1.9% | Financial Activities | 4.9% | 6.6% | Professional & Business Services | 9.6% | 14.8% | Education & Health Services | 18.7% | 22.0% | Leisure & Hospitality | 14.2% | 13.2% | Other Services | 3.9% | 3.3% | Public administration | 6.7% | 6.6% | Unclassified | 0.0% | 0.0% | Average Annual Wage | (2010) | All Industries | $35,191 | Construction | $34,885 | Education & Health Services | $40,200 | Financial Activities | $47,883 | Information | $59,418 | Leisure & Hospitality | $20,135 | Manufacturing | $45,512 | Natural Resources & Mining | N/D | Other Services | $25,311 | Professional & Business Services | $39,694 | Public administration | $45,005 | Trade, Transportation and Utilities | $32,599 | Unclassified | N/D | | | Indian River | Florida | 2007 | $56,852 | $39,449 | 2008 | $59,631 | $40,133 | 2009 | $56,303 | $38,965 | | | | Major Private Sector Employers |
| Indian River Medical Center | Business Line: Healthcare | Number of Employees - 1,334 |
| Publix Supermarkets | Business Line: Food/Beverage | Number of Employees - 960 | | Piper Aircraft, Inc. | Business Line: Aircraft Manufacturing | Number of Employees - 850 |
| John's Island | Business Line: Resort/Residential | Number of Employees - 600 |
| Sebastian River Medical Center | Business Line: Healthcare | Number of Employees - 380 |
| Visiting Nurse Association | Business Line: Healthcare | Number of Employees - 475 |
| CVS Pharmacy Warehouse/Distribution | Business Line: Distribution Center | Number of Employees - 298 |
| Grand Harbor Management | Business Line: Residential | Number of Employees - 295 | | | |
Federal Interstates | I-95 | Federal Highways | US-1 | State Highways | SR-60 | Railroads | Florida East Coast | | Nearest Airport with Scheduled Commerical Airline Service: | Melbourne International Airport | # Runways | 3 | Longest Paved Runway(ft.) | 9483 | General Aviation Airports | Vero Beach Municipal Airport; Sebastian Municipal Airport |
| Local Deep Water Port | Port of Ft. Pierce | Miles to Closest Port | 13 | | |
COUNTY | Countywide Ad Valorem Millage Rates: | | Government | 3.5256 | Schools | 8.2440 | Special | 0.0000 | Total | 11.7696 | Ad Valorem Tax Exemption: | Yes | Retail Sales Tax (Local Option) | 1.00 | Federal Enterprise Zone | No | State Enterprise Zone | Yes | | STATE | Corporate Income Tax | 5.5% | Personal Income Tax | 0.0% | Retail Sales Tax | 6.0% | | | |
Electric Companies: | | | | | |
| Natural Gas Companies: | | | |
| Telephone Companies: | | | | | | | | | |
| Water & Sewer Companies: | | | | | | | |
| |
| Existing Industrial Zoned Land | Yes | Number of Acres | 1,100 | Largest Available Contiguous Parcel | 150 |
| Industrial Parks | Yes | Number of Acres | 150 | Largest Available Contiguous Parcel | 100 |
| Foreign Trade Zones | No | Zone Number(s) | | | | | | Public Schools | Teachers | Enrollments |  | Totals: | 29 | 1,218 | 17,740 |
| Colleges/Universities: | | - Florida Atlantic University
| | | | - Florida Institute of Technology
| | | | | |
| Junior/Community Colleges: | | - Indian River State College
| |
| Vocational/Technical Schools: | | | |
| Other Schools: | | | |
| | | | |
Cost of Living | Price Level Index, (2010) | Florida State Average = 100 | Sample | 2008 | 99.44 | 2009 | 100.45 | 2010 | 98.98 | | | Medical Services: | | - Indian River Medical Center
| | - Sebastian River Medical Center
| |
| Recreational Opportunities: | | - Deep Sea, Fresh Water Fishing & Boating
| | | | | | - State, County, & City Parks
| | | |
| Historical Points Of Interest: | | | | - Indian River Citrus Museum
| | | | - Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
| | | |
| Cultural Events/Festivals: | | | | | | | | | | | |